I continued loading our moving trailer this morning. I moved seven loads (with a couple hour break in the middle).Lydia helped. Which meant that she sat on the empty and full wagon.
I like her help, because she's so happy about it.
Unlike me changing her diaper. She spent a full hour this morning stark naked, refusing any sort of diaper covering. Which reminds me of of something; I've begun using cloth diapers.
Ignore the cranky face and remaining spattering of chigger bites, and just notice the nice cloth diaper (well, the cover, but you know what I mean).
It's been going very smoothly, at least up until this afternoon. Then we had the poopy diaper of death. But it didn't faze me. At least not for very long. Lydia really likes them too - she gets to pick her "underwear" (diaper cover) every day. She's been in them for five days now. Elisheva is still in disposables, but that will change as soon as I can find covers that fit her. I haven't been trying very hard, since the closest store that could possibly have them is about forty five minutes away, and so will have to wait until a big shopping day. Like Thursday, when we're going to Ikea, which is my new favorite store. I'm not a fan of modern "sleek" lines, and minimalist ugliness, but I am a fan of really cheap real wood furniture, and quilt covers that I've dreamed of having ever since I was 17 and I had a roommate who was from Germany and had them and I loved it. The End. So it's basically a love/hate relationship, with the love winning. I'm going to get our kitchen chairs and bookcases and really cool skinny long bread pans so that my homemade bread can be used for normal sized sandwiches instead of gargantuan ones that normal bread pans produce.
New Subject
Elisheva sort of sat up yesterday. Avram thinks that it was her stomach area holding her up, because she's so fat (in a cute, four month old sort of way), but regardless, here she is, in all her advanced glory.Notice the bubbles on her chin.
She's a very drooly/bubble producing baby. She also has begun wriggling out of her bouncy chair and then falling out on the floor. In a week's time she's gone from being a great chair baby to a very needy being held baby, because she doesn't like her chair anymore. I hope soon she'll learn to roll or like lying down, so the wonders of movement can become open to her. Or maybe even sit, as these pictures taken yesterday hopefully portent.
I may be in and out a little shortly; we're still finishing loading the trailer, and we have lots of places to go to, so hold tight, and I'll eventually visit and, more amazingly, comment on all of your blogs soon. I've got the visiting down, since my Reader worked yesterday, but it hasn't worked today, and I haven't had the time to go through and hand check, or alternately start a new RSS reader. Err.
Baked Cheesy Chicken Spaghetti
5 days ago
Good luck with all the chaos!
ReplyDeleteAnd I grinned a bit as we have that same wagon. And those same diaper wipe boxes came in very handy during our last move as well.
good luck and have fun unpacking in your new house!
ReplyDeletei love these past two posts. Its more "thoraish" to me and i have missed that thora so it was good to see you with all your long sentances and chagning subject halfway and just writing like i was talking to you. I love all the pictures!! WOw what a chubby girl Elisheva is, looks just like my boys always do! I just love a chubby baby. Lydia looks alot like you in those pictures, like you as a child i mean. How cute about her picking her diaper covers! Hey maybe this will be the push she need to get really excited about potty training for you!
ReplyDeletegood luck with your move! We fly out for seattle on wed and will be there for a week. I know mary and I both wish yuo could be there too. We will be thinking of you moving this weekend when we are there. I can not wait to see and hear all about your new home!
Love you and miss you and might i just say you look fabulous in your self portraits!!
oh ps, i love IKEA too... for a few reasons. First off porter is tall enough to go to their free day care which is for an hour and its just wonderful becuase i can enjoy the store more with one less kid. Its a great store for window shoping since you can see all the rooms and its such fun. I Love the bedding and rug areas with all the pretty fabrics and pillows and patterns. I agree much of the furnature is too modern for my taste. However they have some really neat little kid beds that we both would have LOVED as children!! Also great cheap plastic plates, cups, and bowls for the kiddos in fun rainbow colors. Oh and cheap and great stool for the kids for the bathroom. And i want the little table and chairs for the kids one day, its just so cute and honestly i always wanted something like that as a kid. Oh and they have some fun lamps and lighting. Dont forget to rumage through the scratch and dent area, i got some curtains there for seven dollars and they are really cute and the only reason they were there is the bag was open and it was missing the iron on seam tape stuff.
one of these days i will learn to comment shorter...
Yes, I'm happy. I do love the pictures and any details about the kids. You look more like yourself in this picture than in the self-portrait of the day before.
ReplyDeleteI love the moving boxes, we use the same ones :)
ReplyDeleteyea for cloth diapers.