In a random moment last night after my reasonable family had gone to bed at a reasonable hour I up and (re)joined Facebook. I gave it a try last fall, but only ever added one friend (I never made any overtures at all to the friends I knew), so after a week I dropped it. This time I have 12 friends, and I feel all hip and cool. So you should be my friend too. My profile is Thora Shannon. Yeah, I'm into letting everyone know my real name and stuff.I look like this in my profile. Except this is a different shot taken at the same time. I posted this one because it's already downsized, and frankly, I'm lazy at resizing shots unless I can do a big batch at once, so there you go.
Baked Cheesy Chicken Spaghetti
5 days ago
I love you, Thora. Kevin just joined facebook today. Yay! No, I'm not a member, but if I were, you would definitely be one of my friends (when I got around to making friends). Ta-da! Look at me! First comment!