Friday, February 18, 2011


Lydia on the first day of preschool - which is where she learned about the existence of Knick-knock jokes.

Lydia has become obsessed with developing humor, and what constitutes a joke, especially knock-knock jokes (which she calls knick-knock jokes). I really enjoy her journey in attempting to understand humor - especially since humor is such a subjective, cultural aspect of life. I like watching her come to understand what we as Americans, as Westerners find funny.

This journey has on our part mostly been us enduring a long string of:

Lydia: Knick-Knock

Thora: Who's there?

Lydia: Peach banana-head - and then she breaks out into peals of laughter, never even reaching the end of the usual knock-knock joke structure.

Today Lydia worked her knick-knock jokes with me, and actually completed one, that I, at least, after countless of these bon mots found hilarious.

Lydia: Knick-Knock

Thora: Who's there?

Lydia: No one

Thora: No one who?

Lydia: No one funny.

I do not think Lydia understood why true laughter bubbled up out of me after this, instead of the fake polite ha-has we've previously been delivering.

In honor of Lydia, I then spent the rest of the car ride we were at that point partaking of inventing new Knock-knock jokes.

Thora: Knock Knock

You: Who's there?

Thora: Your

You: Your Who?

Thora: You're reading my blog, and you don't know me? (Substitute with, I'm your wife, sister, mother, etc, and you don't know me?)


Thora: Knock Knock

You: Who's there?

Thora: You

You: you who?

Thora: I'm right here - you don't have to shout at me.


Thora: Knock-knock

You: who's there?

Thora: Ya

You: Ya who?

Thora: No thanks, I prefer Google.

Yes, I have now revisited the humor model we grow out of before there are two digits to our ages. But Lydia appreciated all my jokes, and laughed at them as well - sometimes even the laughter waited until the delivery of the punch line, as apposed to when I started the joke.


  1. Ah, I love when kids learn to be funny. M still does this.

    Though she's refined her humor to more of a dry humor, and puns.

    I also like when I can make my kids laugh. It gets harder and harder as they get older.

  2. I love her jokes! It was fun the other day on the phone when she told them to me. Love that girl! :)

  3. Ha! Her joke was unintentionally funny (o:

    I hate the knock-knock joke phase. It's so painful. I wish you luck (o:

  4. It is really funny to watch sense of humor develop in children. Benjamin is currently into slapstick humor. Like when someone is getting beat up in a cartoon. Lydia is funny! I like that she calls them "knick knock" jokes. That's really cute!
    Your Yahoo/Google joke is great! I'll have to remember that one.

  5. Cute, I especially liked the yahoo one. She reminds me of my 9 year old who laughed until he cried at a joke only to find out he didn't get the end at all but was laughing over something at the beginning that was, well, amusing, but not that funny. Kids are great! Hey, I so appreciate your comment on my blog about the book tour. I did think of you,you would write a smashing review and have such a way with words, but I think maybe your long blog absence and clutch of little kids made me think twice about asking you. If you really, truly, want to do one, you absolutely can! I am out of my free books to send to reviewers and have even had to buy a few, which, on top of mailing them has kind of bankrupted me for the moment, so you would have to get a hold of the book at the library or borrow one or actually buy one. Gulp! They cost so much I hate for you to have to do that. I can't remember if you read the first one or not(I have NO memory at all right now) but if you didn't, it helps. Again, library OR, they have copies for cheap on Amazon and probably even on You can either be part of the tour in March or, if you can't get to it that soon, whenever you blog about it, I will link to you and add your review to the sidebar afterwards. You are so sweet! Thanks so much! Heidi

  6. I'll get on finding a copy - I got a copy from the library here last time, so I'm sure I can do it again. I can do one in March I think (end of March?) - I'm excited!

  7. Umm, that was Thora. Since Avram actually hasn't been dying to do a review on a regency novel, for some reason.

  8. I especially like the google one. Hahaha!

  9. my boys love them too...
    Porter: knock knock
    who's there?

    P: knock knock
    who's there??

    P: Knock Knock??

    me: Porter you have to say the next part of the joke!!

    porter : peals of laughter. I guess that was the joke?

    Theo's go:
    knock knock, whos there..
    stinky poo poo head!! followed by lots of laughter.

    I dont think my kids get it yet!

  10. the joke is describe..
    very nice joke...

    College Girls

  11. the joke is describe..
    very nice joke...

    College Girls
