It is on 1.26 acres of land, most of that vertical mountainside, which means we have a lot of privacy and space around us, but don’t have insane amount of yard work, which is perfect for us.
Cooking is so exciting here, and I have two ovens! I have wanted two ovens ever since I knew they existed. We use both a lot - for a family of 11 they feel like more of a necessity than a marker of luxury.
(Some of our property)
Pictures of Family Home evening and scripture study - both things that have been easier to do in our new house. Is it because change helps with bringing out other changes? Because the rooms and spaces are large enough for our family? Who knows, but I will take it!
Our quality of life, even amidst the boxes and furniture still in pieces is already much better as a family. There is more space for us to all sit together in the living room, we go outside more, and family dinners and cleanup are light years better. I am just so grateful God gave us the opportunity to have this house. We weren’t even actively looking when I found it, and it was out of our price range and went into contract with someone else first! Plus then the sellers picked our offer over a cash offer, which was crazy. Such a gift from God that we are here at all. And I love it here.
Living room in progress: